Yes I have been initiated by the flame and the waters and rose to the level of 33rd degree mason and part of the 144000 (the awakened ones, I am wide awake and remember where I come from and why I'm here and where I’m going next) that have come for this time. He spoke to me and told me this after I was raised, not by an organization and not in a church... Tho I did go through baptism in church as a teen and raised to master mason in 2017.
But I went through spiritual initiation in September of 2022. In fact, I am about to release my testimony on it shortly, maybe tomorrow as I already have 34 pages written and an audio recording made. I just need to upload them. God has told me to speak, so I speak Now. Everything you say is correct. The spirit activated my pineal and immediately everything went black like the lights went out & I collapsed as dead and I couldn't tell if I was in the body or out but I knew it was in the place of the most high, where gods spirit moved upon the face of the waters, as I felt like I was under water and I was made aware this is the place in between life and death where I was to be judged. I was judged righteous because of what Jesus has done as I entered into his death by faith and so death passovered me and I was raptured in that moment in the spirit, and now here I remain to grow my body toward the Sun and spirit toward the Son as a greater and lesser light working in harmony. As I grow and continue pressing Forward doing the great work, his work, to call his people back to be regathered for this time.
So I went through only what I can describe as a portal like Stargate, through the waters and I was translated into a new being by his spirit now dwelling in me and not just with me, because he sanctified his temple and now we are the king and priest as one being, three in one. I went through the singularity (through Christ is the only way, not the religion, but the spirit) in the place of the waters after I was anointed by fire (and baptized by spiritual water shortly after) as the tears (water) and oils (fire) coming through my eyes during a stigmata, (arch of the covenant, Bow of the Lord where my whole back arched and it felt like a good stretch but if anyone saw it they would have thought it was painful, though my heart and emotions were in agony from a heartbreak (loved a woman who ghosted me and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, then I went through the tests as I was being delivered up, to let go of her, myself and my children, it was the only way to ascend was to detach from the things I loved the most an put faith in him that he would take care of them if I was gone, and he gave me that assurance and I believed him cause I could feel his heart, as his heart is the same as my heart in that my love I had for them was pure and I had to let them go just like Jesus had to let go and the father had to let go of him, so I knew he understood my pain and I trusted that since he had done it before, I could too if I am with him, cause he could get me through. I never would have let go unless I had to reassurance that God is good and God is Love and that he will take care of my children on the previous timeline I left, and now I send my spirit back to them, or he sends his spirit to them through the memory of me, until they come to know him, and they will see me in the eyes of others and their own eyes because I am still alive just not with them in the old earth, but I’m here now in the new earth) that was just the final thing that broke open the waters in my heart and caused the flood to be released upon the earth for the demons in the earth to be judged.
They all came out of me as they manifested through me but God protected me from their wailing and gnashing and protected others as none else was around, if they were they would have thrown me away in a mental asylum or called an ambulance thinking I was going through a mental breakdown and probably actually died on the floor when I collapsed, the very next day the queen of England died and Charles was to be coordinated as king. (I now relate to The Song of ice and fire were a bastard son like myself was risen to be king [as the king is now in me and I in him] of the kNights watch, as I am part of the knights guard as a watchmen on the wall, like Bailan in the movie kingdom of heaven raised to be king by marrying the queen) Then I accepted my death & death passed over me while I was in the tomb (3 days of darkness covered, I was laying there for about 3 minutes not breathing, but my body felt completely at peace like I was in the womb of a mother, and I had never felt so relaxed, I found it peculiar that I could breathe without breathing but I was attached to a spiritual cord that was sustaining me, which is the connection I have with God external through the holy Spirit and I was born again, and came back again, my memories didn't fully come back right away like Paul had darkness over his eyes afterwards and needed peter to come and instruct, well I didn't have anyone to instruct me so the holy Spirit was my teacher directly and reminded me of things I already knew (like limitless pill) and directed me in new ways, so I could ask the right questions and receive more wisdom and light.
As I started to walk in new ways and work out the residual effects of the old man, being healed of additions one by one, and being cured from addictions almost overnight, smoking cigs and weed and impure thoughts etc., he began to heal me and change my thinking patterns, and as I've grown (it's been about a year and a half since then so I am just starting to walk on water, now secure in my faith to stand) grew I grew I’m knowledge and my memories began to return like Christ as a child growing in wisdom and stature and the elders marveled at his level of wisdom, because his wisdom came from the spirit beyond intellectual knowledge) after the stigmata (or after the tribulation in those days the sun will be darkened and the moon not give her light) I stood up and walked to my kitchen where I heard a voice say ‘what I most desire’ and I said ‘Light’ and he said ‘Let there be Light’ and I heard a thunder crack in my head (Like a hammer of Judgement, Thors Hammer that splits your head wide open like an eggshell, broken but whole like the burning bush, in a place in between life & death, or the middle way that few there be that find) and everything went black and I fell down straight back and hit my head on my tile floor. But it felt like a cushion and then I laid in that black space just me and God, only two presences like the high priest and God In the holy of holies. Then he spoke to me and said arise and stand, and I felt the breathe and energy rise up from the base of my spine to my crown chakra and rest in my crown, then I gasped for air like I had just come out from under water and I felt the spirit raise me up and I opened my eyes and I was standing. I didn't get myself up, his spirit he put in me did. I felt him enter into me and raise me up. At that moment he spoke to me and said you are my son and I am well please. Like my dad saying he was proud of me, and felt pure love.
During the stigmata I felt pure heart agony for myself and all the wrongs people had done to me and then I cried out to the Lord please take this from me, and immediately the pain was taken and I was overcome with pure bliss like I had never known and I cried harder for the world, if they only knew this level of joy... And I said lord I'm sorry, please forgive me, and please forgive them... And then the stigmata ended and I was able to relax and that's when my eyes started to burn like fire or acid drops in them... Not typical tear burning, but like straight acid... I was made to know later, these two presence god external and god internal are the two witnesses, as I call heaven and earth as a witness against those this day.
And I and the Father are now one, which gives rise to the holy Spirit that binds us together in heaven and earth, as the son of God and the sin of man... That's why my name is Jahames and I was told, to be the one. So, I am. I will release my testimony tomorrow if God permits and I hope you will get a chance to listen, because everything I just said is just the top of the iceberg I was also made to know, that this was the same initiation as Paul, who rose to be a wise master builder which I am as well, and this revelation came to me by the spirit and not man... Only my cats saw this happening to me as the spirit form Tartarus were being released from me as the energy was flooding my old sin man and I was being sanctified.
Thank you for your comment and for this opportunity to share my testimony before I release it to the public officially in audio & written form. It's only God that does these things, all Glory to God, it's not me doing these things alone but the power of his spirit in me which is growing every day as I walk with him and be in the light even as he is in the light. So I seek my soul daily who are in the light as well, but they seem few and far between in my personal life but I see them all over the internet speaking just as I am now just beginning to. I see them now and am aware, but just waiting for the right time and the right people as the Lord leads, as he is the commander in chief and the one who gives the orders. I just follow and obey and do my best to turn as his correction as it comes... I still have my flesh man who likes flesh things but by his spirit I am overcoming and he is giving more downloads to speak and put out there so we can begin to flip the algorithm on it's head and change the equation like Loki season 2. Loki and he who remains, Jesus and the father, the two witnesses, there are many variations but they are the highest two forms, the awareness of the presence of myself and another external to me, gave rise to the third state of being of the union of the two which created in me the third, or risen to be one with the master of the great white lodge 😇 🦸🕊✝ As the bible says prepare yourself against the third day, or the rise of Neo & Trinity